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TKSE, the Growth Assault Team is unstoppable and poised to growinIN


On May 16, 2023, the Jinshang Growth Assault Team gathered at 7:40 and entered the themed morning exercise activity "Physical Fitness Training".


The various activities of the growth assault team have become the norm in today's semiconductor industry. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, representatives from various departments actively participate and integrate into it, and then bring the positive attitude and optimism inspired by the activity atmosphere into the day's work, affecting the entire factory area.


Physical fitness training: push ups+squats

As a productive enterprise, semiconductor has a large number of employees and goes deep into the grassroots. Caring and guiding employees is one of the most arduous responsibilities of the enterprise. Middle level managers, as a bridge between the past and the future, need to accurately convey the value of the enterprise, so that ordinary employees can fully feel the sense of belonging and honor of the enterprise. Middle level managers are a key factor in the stability of an organization and a backbone of the enterprise. Therefore, a growth assault team with middle level cadres as the main participants has been established to practice corporate culture based on activities.

The activities of the Growth Assault Team reflect the positive energy of sunshine, including beautiful sign language dance, physical fitness training for physical fitness, and interesting book sharing. They come in various forms and bring players a sense of vigorous and energetic experience, which is precisely an extension of the spiritual core of the enterprise.



Today, Semiconductor believes that every employee is an infectious energy entity. By inputting more corporate concepts into employees, not only can they gain an individual's sense of identity, but they can also pass on the corporate culture layer by layer. A spark of energy will also accumulate and fly, allowing employees to grow with the company and move forward together.

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