The product contains three colors: red, green, and blue. It can display various colors by mixing different brightness and colors. The color is pure, with good consistency in mixing, small size, easy installation, and high-density packaging, efficient and energy-saving; Can be widely used in decoration, outdoor advertising and other occasions;
Passed ROHS, IES-LM80 12000H Authoritative certifications such as IEC62471/TR62778. We can provide a full range of 0.1w-1w products tailored to customer needs, with voltages ranging from 3v to 36v; It has advantages such as good resistance to vulcanization, high airtightness, and light color consistency, and can accept customized products of different light colors from customers;
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Low-voltage white light High-voltage White Light LED color light LED full color COB light strip seriesContactContact us 6 Fumin Road, Xinshen Street OfficeFollow usFocus on us
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